In this section you can get acquainted with Horary Astrology in action — time-confirmed forecasts from our practice will show you the possibilities of Horary Astrology itself:
• DOWN THE STAIRS. Addiction issues in horary astrology are some of the most difficult. To what extent is it possible to overcome an addiction? And is it possible to do so if it has become permanent? And is everything in such matters a foregone conclusion? These are the questions we answer in this article.
• SHADOWS OF THE PAST. When we encounter questions of death in astrology, they are most often related to the future - will someone die, and if so, when. It is always a touchstone of our skill. However, not all questions of this nature bear the imprint of the future. Sometimes it's questions about the past.
• IGGY POP ASTROLOGY. Some astrologers believe that medical astrology should not be practised by those who do not have a medical degree. This is perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions in the astrological community. With a few examples from our practice, we demonstrate the opposite.
• THE GREAT COMBINATOR? An example of how to recognise property scams and keep the buyer from making a mistake with the help of horary astrology.
• WEATHER PREDICTION. Horary astrology is a truly universal predictive art, for which predicting the weather is as natural as predicting something else.
• MEDICAL QUESTION. Traditional medicine, which is based on astrology, is not a museum piece, but a living knowledge, which is still able to give accurate recommendations for the treatment of certain diseases. And we would like to show one example from our practice, which will confirm our words.
• CAT&MOUSE. An amusing and funny question from our practice - how to determine if there is a mouse in the flat or not. Temporarily unavailable.