Some astrologers believe that medical astrology should not be practised by those who do not have a medical degree. This is perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions in the astrological community. With a few examples from our practice, we demonstrate the opposite.

Iggy Pop Astrology
We have heard many times that medical astrology should not be practised by anyone who does not have a medical degree. This is perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions among modern astrologers. In fact, they should be banned from practicing astrology, in general. Not just medical astrology, alone.
In the Middle Ages, it was impossible to become a doctor without knowledge of astrology - the very one thanks to which medicine was able to determine the causes of diseases, without the help of numerous analyses, as in our days, which, moreover, are not a guarantee that the cause of the disease will be found and the next pills prescribed by doctors, treating most often the consequences, will have an effect and will not turn out to be another batch of money thrown away.
Of course, we are not talking about treatment, but about determining the cause of the disease, its duration, localisation in the body and so on. Traditional astrology, based on the knowledge of humoral medicine, without the help of any technology, not to mention medical education, can handle all of this quite easily.
With this modern approach to astrology, we would never be able to answer a good half of the questions we get from our clients. To answer questions about investments, we would have to be financiers; to answer questions about sports, we would have to be athletes; to answer questions about medicine, we would have to be doctors; to answer questions about real estate, we would have to be realtors. But we are not specialists in these fields. We are specialists in astrology. And real experts, not those who cover themselves with various codes, modern medical research and other things, just to avoid taking responsibility for predictions. Let's face it. Lack of knowledge and skills in astrology, not lack of education in the relevant field, is the only reason why they invent various restrictions for predictions. After all you have to justify your inability somehow. But we are the Iggy Popes of astrology and the limitations are alien to us! Even more, they are a challenge for us - a way to break down another wall of prejudice.
Specialised education can deepen our knowledge of the relevant field of astrology, but it will not make a mediocre astrologer a master. Just as translations of ancient astrological texts are no guarantee of understanding astrology. John of Seville is a vivid proof of that. However, the great scholarship of Ptolemy, also did not go far from a fellow translator, in the predictive sphere. Did their knowledge of languages and astronomy help them in the field of astrology? Hardly.
Just because there are few true masters in the world of astrology doesn't mean there aren't any. They have always been scarce, in the past and in the present. This will be the case in the near future as well as the distant future. It is not accessibility to study sources that makes masters, as our cute little fluffballs believe in the days of the internet, nor is it miracle programmes that illuminate diseased organs, but vocation, talent and diligence. In the field of astrology, it is important to be an astrologer, not a doctor or lawyer. Mastery of the former will enable one to answer questions about the latter with ease. While not denying medical intervention, if necessary. After all, all the confusion comes from a distorted view of what traditional medical astrology does. It doesn't do healing. Only determining the cause of disease at the humoral level, followed by advice on which specialist to consult, if the balance cannot be restored with the help of appropriate diet, herbs and lifestyle. Let's be honest though - people will choose a pill over personal endeavour if faced with that choice.
But let's move from words to deeds. Let's use an example from our practice to show what traditional astrology can do in the medical field. We will look at three different issues related to pregnancy: identifying problems with conception, medical interventions for childbirth and pregnancy problems.

Is there a problem with conception?
At the beginning of 2024, we were approached by a young girl who had been married for just over a year. She really wanted to have children, but she had not been able to get pregnant for a year. As she was only 21 years old at the time of the question, this situation was not alarming to the doctors who thought that everything was still ahead of her. At the time we received the question, she had been to two different doctors, but they refused to consider the problem: ‘You are too young, there can be no problem, go home and try to get pregnant again’ - this was the answer of one of them, according to her.

10.01.2024 16:42 (GMT +2), RIGA, LATVIA
As a rule, we begin our consideration of such questions by assessing the potential for procreation. We have to assess whether the fertile signs are manifest. Yes, the querent is young and we could tell her that there is no point in looking at the chart. Then our default response would be: ‘You're young, you've got it all ahead of you!’ But the querent has been trying to get pregnant for a year. Even though she's young, that can't help but be alarming. We are not doctors, but we understand this very well. Doctors don't.
To assess fertility potential, we look at the 1st, 5th, 7th and 11th houses, as well as the Moon. We take not only the signifiers of the querent, but also consider the planets of her spouse to see if there is a problem in any of them and if so, in whom exactly. After all, the fact that the querent cannot conceive a child may not necessarily be her fault. It could be her spouse.
We see that the ruler of the 7th house, Saturn, ruling her spouse's house, is in a fertile sign, and the ruler of its derivative 5th house is Venus in Sagittarius, in a neutral sign. This position of the spouse's planets in no way indicates problems with conception. We can immediately exclude him from the analysis. He is not the cause.
Let us now turn our attention to the planets of the querent. Moon, as the lord of the 1st house, represents the body of the querent and is in the 6th house, in Capricorn, a neutral sign. The lord of the 5th house, Mars, is also in Capricorn, in the 6th house.
The querent's planets are in neutral signs, which does not give us a clear ‘no’. And that's good. However, let's pay closer attention to the querent's planets.
The Moon, as you may have noticed, is only just separated from Mars. If the question were ‘Am I pregnant?’ we could interpret the separated aspect of the querent and the child as a happening, in which case we would not need to evaluate the fertile and infertile signs in the question chart. But we know that the querent is not pregnant. Therefore, the presence of a separated aspect is alarming. Moreover, the position of both her planets in one of the weakest houses of the chart – the 6th house of disease – is alarming too. In itself, such a position of her planets does not say that the querent is sick, but it does say that if the potential for conception is weak, the possibility of its realisation is low.
What could be the problem here? The Moon is in the exaltation of Mars - the querent wants a child. But Mars - the child - is in Capricorn, in the place of the Moon’s detriment. It's like the pregnancy doesn't want to come. If we look at the antiscia, we see that Mars is in conjunction with Mercury by antiscia, which is malefic, being in Sagittarius – the sign of its detriment – and ruling the 12th house of restrictions. All this certainly leads us to the conclusion that the querent has very serious problems with conception - if she wants to have a child, she should see a doctor.
Another important point. Just because Mars is afflicted does not mean that the foetus will be afflicted when pregnancy occurs, because the querent is not pregnant. If the querent were pregnant, it might make a difference. The Mars affliction tells us that there is a serious problem with getting pregnant, here and now, in this particular situation.
We can't take into account that Mars is going to aspect Jupiter, because if there is no pregnancy, there is no further development. Jupiter could be the specialist who will help the querent, because it rules the 9th house of specialists and exalts the Moon - it can help her. But the coming aspect of Jupiter and Mars does not help Mars, because Jupiter, being in Taurus, is in the place of Mars detriment.
What we can clearly see here is that, despite her young age, the querent is having quite serious problems with conception. And this is exactly what the doctors did not want to see, believing that at such a young age there can be no serious problems. Fortunately, the querent decided to listen to astrology.
We received a reply from the querent only in May, 2024. She made an appointment with other doctors and insisted on an examination. Eventually, the doctors discovered the problem and diagnosed her with polycystic ovaries. She will soon undergo surgery that should help solve her problems.
This chart is an example of how traditional astrology can help to see whether or not there is a problem with conceiving a child. Of course, we could also see the cause on a humoral level and suggest a diet that would help bring balance back into the body of the querent. But that is not the point of this article. Our goal was to show what traditional medicine can do where doctors are unwilling to make an effort. Thanks to astrology and her persistence, the querent was able to find a doctor who didn't go off on a hackneyed rant about her youth and the fact that everything is still ahead of her.

Will we have children of our own?
Now, let's consider a slightly different question, which is also related to the issue of pregnancy and problems with conceiving a child.

14.10.2021 15:41 (GMT +3), RIGA, LATVIA
Here we have a similar, but somewhat different situation. The querent has no children, as her husband has problems with conceiving a child. We do not need to look, as in the example above, whether there are problems with conception and in whom exactly. The querent herself told us about these problems, sharing that neither treatment nor IVF helped to conceive a child. The question she wanted to clarify for herself was whether she and her husband would ever have children of their own, either naturally or medically, or whether it would be better to consider adopting a child. At the time the question was asked, she was over 35 years old.
These are issues where we don't need to see confirmation of the context of the issue - that the husband is infertile. It is a given that we accept as fact. And therefore, the assessment of conception potential must be set aside.
This is also not a chart about fertility treatment, where all we would have to do is assess whether the treatment would help or not. Therefore, this is also a point that we should put aside.
The question chart, which is a reflection of the life situation, contains the symbolic answer that will tell us whether they will have children - naturally or medically - or not. Therefore, the first thing we must do is to find the protagonists of this astrological drama.
The querent is represented by Saturn ruling the 1st house. Her husband is represented by the Moon ruling the 7th house. The child is represented by Mercury ruling the 5th house. First of all, we are interested in the aspect between Saturn and Mercury – the querent and the child. If there will be one, there will be a child in the life of the querent. If there is not, then we will have to look at other indicators in the chart that point to medical intervention.
So, we need to look at Saturn and Mercury in the chart and their aspects. Mercury here can be symbolic of us - the querent and her husband. While Mercury's aspect with Saturn is an affirmative yes. We are not interested in the other planets, as only what is directly related to the question itself is important.
Mercury is in the twelfth degree of Libra and is retrograde, under the Sun's rays, while Saturn is in the seventh degree of Aquarius and is stationary. Mercury is moving towards Saturn, while Saturn is not moving anywhere, as it is stationary (unmoving) - as if frozen in anticipation. A trine aspect is possible between the two, which could show the desired event if Mercury reaches the degree of Saturn and nothing prevents it. However, before Mercury's aspect to Saturn is completed, the Moon is the first to make an aspect to Mercury.
The Moon in the question chart, on the one hand, represents the feelings of the querent, being the co-ruler of the person asking the question, and represents her emotional side. On the other hand, it rules the 7th house, which represents the husband himself in the chart. The husband cannot conceive a child. Therefore, we should ignore this aspect. The Moon is rarely able to prohibit aspects, for the reason above. Most often we have to ignore its aspects unless it is the ruler of the querent or quesited. So we need to see what happens with Mercury next - will it make an aspect with Saturn?
Immediately after the aspect with the Moon, Mercury makes a sextile to Venus. Although a sextile can rarely prohibit aspects, Venus nevertheless has a negative reception to Mercury - it is in the place of its detriment - and on the star Antares. And this is a prohibition. But even if we ignore this aspect of Mercury to Venus, and see what Mercury will do next, we will see that before the exact aspect to Saturn he turns around, becomes direct, and does not complete the aspect. No aspect, no event.
Thus, it is not possible to conceive a child naturally. We need to consider medical intervention.
More often than not, in matters such as medical intervention as a mediator to help conceive, we will see a third planet, not the planet of the querent or quesited, translating or collecting light. And if there is such an aspect, then we must evaluate the receptions to see if the third planet is helping the event or not, and more importantly, if the planets are able to accept help from it.
As mentioned above, we can ignore the aspects of the Moon in this chart, as it is primarily a co-significator of the querent. Also, it does not translate the light of Saturn, as its last aspect was a sextile to Venus. It would only be able to translate the light of Venus, not Saturn, to Mercury.
Venus, on the other hand, has recently sextile Saturn and translates its light to Mercury, as this is its next aspect. Venus is able to conjunct Saturn and Mercury - mother and child. However, this does not mean that Venus will help in conceiving a child.
While Mercury and Saturn are in the sign of Venus and its face, respectively, Venus harms Mercury, as we have discussed above, which means it will be unable to assist in conceiving a child. In other words, medicine is also powerless to help the querent. According to the words of the latter, the previous IVF had a negative impact on her health and she would not like to repeat this experience. And we can see that IVF will not help. Thus, medicine is also powerless to help in this situation.
So what to do? We would love to say that there is some magic recipe that will cancel the verdict of fate. Alas, there isn't. There is no such recipe. It is worth considering adopting someone else's child.
At the time of writing this article, nothing has changed in the life of the querent - her husband tried another course of treatment, which, as we know, did not bring the desired result. She refused medical intervention. They have no children of their own or adopted. More than three years have passed, but everything remains the same.
This chart helps us to understand one very important point. Medicine is not omnipotent, regarding the fate of a person, which always dominates all aspects of our lives. Even when we know the result and try to change it, the last word still remains with fate and Providence. Their action is what we see in the question chart.

Are there any fetal abnormalities?
One last example related to pregnancy. In March 2019, we were approached by a woman who was diagnosed with suspected foetal abnormalities. She was three months pregnant and feared that there might be problems with her pregnancy. Therefore, she decided to clarify for herself whether there are no genetic abnormalities in the development of the foetus.

15.03.2019 20:03 (GMT +2), RIGA, LATVIA
This is also a matter of the 5th house - the foetus in the womb, her child, whose ruler is Saturn. Saturn is in Capricorn, on the cusp of the 4th house, not far from Pluto. It would seem that Saturn is in his own sign - what could be wrong with that? It also has a medium speed, which is also good for Saturn. Everything suggests that there is nothing wrong with the foetus, developmentally. And this lets us know right away that there is nothing in terms of genetic abnormalities.
However, we are concerned that Saturn is approaching Pluto, which is the ruler of the Underworld, representing death. And on top of that – the Moon is in opposition to Saturn. Although the Moon is the co-significator of the querent, which could indicate strong feelings about pregnancy and childbirth, the Moon is in Saturns detriment. What could this be talking about? This is a point we need to understand in the question chart.
Saturn is a cold and dry planet by nature, and is in the cold and dry sign of Capricorn. There is a lot of dryness and coldness. This is the environment that the foetus is in in the womb. Staying in the exile place of the Moon, the natural ruler of water and liquids, also suggests that something is wrong. There is a lack of moisture and water, the natural environment for the fetus. And although we see the dignity of Saturn, yet the pregnancy should not be in a similar state where the fetus lacks fluids.
Note the Moon itself, which is in the cold and moist sign of Cancer. It is as if the watery environment personified by the Moon is in opposition to the fetus – the Moon is going into opposition to Saturn. The fetus is in a dry place and lacks the watery medium, it expels it - the Moon is in detriment for Saturn. Certainly we need to consider the further movement of Saturn.
Saturn is in the nineteenth degree of Capricorn and is moving towards Pluto. However, it turns retrograde at the twenty-first degree. This indicates that Saturn is about to start slowing down – its speed is getting slower. And this is bad for the foetus, as it shows a halt in foetal development, or death. Movement is life. Considering that the Moon is in opposition to Saturn, and there is a mutual negative reception between the Moon and Saturn with a coming opposition, this only confirms our judgement - things can end very badly.
Of course, we must remember the context of the question, just as we must remember that the question itself is asked by a person, not a planet on the question chart. A living heart and soul. One must be extremely careful in answering such questions. Therefore, we answered the querent that everything was fine with the foetus itself – there were no abnormalities in development, but we recommended to undergo examinations or preferably to go to the preservation. Because the problems are in the querent’s body.
About two months later we learnt about what had happened after our reply. Three to four weeks after asking the question, she had a miscarriage and had to undergo emergency surgery. The foetus had no abnormalities, but there was very little amniotic fluid, which is what caused the tragedy.
As you can see, sometimes we see in the chart not only the answer itself, but also what the querent does not ask about. And we must be extremely careful and cautious, remembering that we have a living soul in front of us, and there is no need to impress it with what we see, especially if it is something so tragic and heavy. Nevertheless, a hint can always be made if the question is not asked directly.
The querent came to us afterwards wanting to know about the most favourable period to conceive a child, either naturally or medically, in order to avoid such problems in the future. And although there is no point in bringing this chart in this practicum, we can say that the period we saw coincided with the event - two years later she gave birth to twins, which fully compensated for the suffering she had to go through.

So, as you can see - traditional medical astrology does not need medical education, if astrologer has understanding and knowledge of basic principles, both structure of human body and medical astrology itself. And if someone told us that we can't consider such questions, because of some code, lack of specialised education or something else, we, most likely, would show him the famous gesture of Iggy Pop. After all, in real astrology you often have to be a little bit punk, a little bit Iggy Pop and go against the mainstream of astrological life of Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, as J.K. Rowling would say.

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