Traditional medicine, which is based on astrology, is not a museum piece, but a living knowledge, which is still able to give accurate recommendations for the treatment of certain diseases. And we would like to show one example from our practice, which will confirm our words.

Medical Question
Horary astrology, which has developed so rapidly over the last century, is perceived by many modern astrologers as the astrology of simple answers: yes-no-maybe. This creates a superficial and much distorted view of one of the greatest and most accurate predictive disciplines in the history of astrology.
It has gained such a bad reputation in the modern world, first of all, due to the superficial knowledge of astrologers themselves, who are unable to go beyond their distorted perception of astrology itself, but also (and largely) due to those ‘miracle’ courses, which promise to ‘make’ anyone who comes to be an astrologer in 4-7 months, as if talent, mind and the ability to logical thinking and inference are inherent in everyone. Although many questions do require only a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, such as the question ‘will I get this job?’, but even in such questions horary astrology can tell us ‘why yes’ or ‘why no’.
Considering horary issues, we have often to analyze more deeply and look beyond the ‘yes-no’ and beyond the mere techniques to which modern courses of a few months or weeks usually confine themselves. A person who chooses to study horary astrology must realize that in four months, seven months, or even a year, he or she will not become an astrologer in the full sense of the word. Doubtless, uncomplicated questions can be learnt to be considered quite quickly, but mastery comes with years, and the road to it is paved, as a rule, by a succession of mistakes, failures and falls. Too many question charts break out of purely technical consideration, inimitably reflecting both yes-no and the most complex questions, in which the timing of events plays no small part.
When starting to study horary astrology, many of our students refuse to study medical astrology deeply, thinking that it is not their field. They rarely think about the fact that a person who turns to an astrologer for advice is always interested in earthly matters: work, children, money and, of course, love and health - the Alpha and Omega of our life. But when there is no health in a person, there is no strength and, most often, there are no other important things in life. The study of medical astrology gives not only the opportunity to restore the lost balance of health to someone, if the disease has not become chronic or fatal, of course, but also a deep understanding of the true nature of things, which makes the knowledge of an astrologer more thorough, fundamental and, in many ways, essential.
Yes, medical astrology does not make diagnoses in terms of modern medicine. We do not have miracle devices that can make a complete diagnosis. But an astrologer can determine the underlying cause of disease, help adjust nutrition and find the right herbs and minerals for successful treatment. We do not abandon traditional methods of treatment, but we can see what modern medics cannot see.

What do we know about medicine in the modern world?
Science has reached a very high level. Doctors are performing incredibly complex surgeries that a few years ago we would not have been able to imagine. Technology is also tightly integrated into the work of doctors, such as IBM Watson, which is able to make diagnoses as a therapist and helps doctors fight cancer; or the Da Vinci robotic assistant, which is used to perform surgical operations. But all of this is not yet available to everyone and anyone. It is still difficult for us to imagine, when we go to see a doctor, that we will be met not by a human but by a robot assistant.
In our ordinary life the situation is as follows: someone gets sick, goes to a doctor, talks about his symptoms, the doctor prescribes a medicine (which either cures or suppresses the symptoms) and the patient goes to the pharmacy with the prescription. After a while the symptoms disappear, but this does not mean that the disease itself is cured. If the cause of the disease is not recognised, observed or treated correctly, there is a chance that the disease becomes chronic. This is because the disease, apart from having an external cause, has an underlying cause, which is related to an imbalance, namely the imbalance of the humours, or the four body fluids - yellow choler, black choler, sanguine humour or phlegm - in the body. Of course, we are talking about serious illnesses, not just a one-day cold or fever, which, however, can also be considered in the context of traditional medical astrology, if necessary.
Modern people often make fun of the ancients, considering them ignorant, ridiculing their methods of treatment, such as bloodletting, which, it should be noted, in experienced hands can be very effective.
Having lost touch with nature and imagining themselves to be gods, people have lost true knowledge, not only about the world around them, but also about themselves. Technology has not made us smarter, it has distanced us from God, nature and ourselves. We have lost the knowledge that the ancients formed over centuries in an attempt to penetrate beyond the veil of effects to the causes themselves. Now everything is so simple in our eyes: disease-doctor-prescription, but... no guarantee of healing.
In ancient times, doctors were obliged to know astrology because what is above is similar to what is below. Every doctor knew that the human body is a microcosm that reflects the macrocosm, or Cosmos. Plato, Pythagoras, Aristotle and many other philosophers wrote about it in their works. On the basis of celestial positions of planets, at the beginning of this or that disease, it was possible to determine not only the cause of the disease, but also its outcome. After all, the organs of the human body are governed by the planets, and everything ‘revolves’ around the heart - our symbolic Sun in the body. If someone fell ill, the doctor always knew that first of all it was necessary to determine the excess humour in the body, and only after that, to determine the affected organ and prescribe treatment. First cause, then effect, not the other way round.

Nevertheless, the knowledge of antiquity will live as long as there are those who perceive it and follow it. Traditional medicine, which is based on astrology, is not a museum piece, but a living knowledge, which is still able to give accurate recommendations for the treatment of certain diseases. And we would like to give one example from our practice, which will confirm our words.

A middle-aged woman asked us a question. After another routine visit to the dental hygienist, she felt that her teeth were moving. The first thing she thought was that she urgently needed to visit a periodontist. And made an appointment in a few weeks, as in almost all paid and public clinics, the appointment was full. The querent's anxiety was growing day by day, and she decided to turn to us for help in order to somehow clarify the situation for herself. So, she asked us the following question: ‘What is the reason for the mobility of my teeth? Will I start to lose them?’

23.04.2024 11:45 (GMT +3), RIGA, LATVIA
We see the 7th degree of Leo rising in the horary chart. Therefore, our querent is represented in the chart by the Sun at 4° Taurus and the Moon, as co-significator, at 27° Libra.
In medical matters, we rarely give the Moon as a co-signifier to the querent. Most often, in medical matters, it shows the symptoms of illness. But in this chart, the Moon plays an important emotional component.
In medical matters we refer to the Lord of the I-st House and its dispositor, and never to the Lord of the VI-th House as the house of disease. Only in the natal chart and in decumbiture charts does the VI-th House take on an important role.
So, the Lord of the I-st house is the Sun in the sign of Taurus. The Sun is warm and dry by nature, and is in the cold and dry sign of Taurus. The Sun is ruled by Venus which is in the warm and dry sign of Aries, and this indicates to us that the flow of Venus energy in the body is disturbed by an excess of fire, or yellow choler. Venus - the planet of disease - is in the first quarter of the Zodiac, which means we have a mild illness that is treatable.
Excess fire is often the cause of various inflammations, and as it is fire we need to extinguish it. In such cases we select a diet of cold and moist foods of a phlegmatic nature, which remove excess fire from the body. Such foods include: courgettes, cucumbers, egg whites, milk, cottage cheese, sunflower oil and others.
We can also select plants that have the humoral nature we need. For this we turn to the planet of disease. Since this planet is Venus, we have several options for finding the right plant, which must have the cold and moist nature needed for effective treatment:
By sympathy – the herbs of Venus.
By antipathy – the herbs of Mars.
By sympathy by exaltation – the herbs of Saturn and of the Moon.
We need to evaluate all the applicants in order to choose the best one.
Venus is in its detriment sign, so using Venus herbs will only exacerbate problems and cause serious harm.
The Moon and Saturn have no dignity, but we can still consider their candidacy if necessary.
Mars is in the sign of its triplicity, making it the best of the candidates.
But here we face another problem. The choice of herbs of cold and moist nature is very limited. As a result, we have to look for another way out of the situation. Since heat and cold are primary principles - the main thing we need to do is to eliminate excess heat from the body. And so we have another option - to turn to plants of a cold and dry nature. Such plants of Martian nature are barberry and hawthorn. Barberry relieves gum inflammation and strengthens the immune system, while hawthorn has antibacterial properties, so they are both effective mouthwashes.
If the querent was suffering from bleeding, we might also recommend Shepherd's Purse, a Saturn herb, to alleviate this symptom. Propolis , which is also ruled by Saturn, is good for strengthening soft tissues.
At this point, we have made recommendations to the querent that will help to reduce the internal heat, which will help to get rid of the inflammation. But, as we wrote at the beginning, horary astrology is capable of much more than just answering a question accurately. It is able to go beyond it, and show what the astrologer begins to understand only with years of practice - the essential nuances of the consideration, which can complement the latter with details that make the picture whole and complete.
Note the Moon, which more often than not in medical matters is the planet that indicates symptoms. The Moon is detached in opposition to Venus, which in this case indicates to us that Venus is indeed the planet of disease.
The next thing that happens with the Moon is a change of sign. And of course, we see it entering Scorpio, which is the sign of its own fall. Technically, we should warn the querent, and say that she needs to see a specialist right away. And in the context of the question, she may be in for a worsening of situation, because the Moon changing sign to fall, after opposition, is not a good thing. And that would be true, but ‘there is a catch!’.
Take note that the Moon, being in Libra, exaltes Saturn, which in the body rules the bone system and teeth. The last thing that happened with Saturn was a conjunction with Mars (hygienic brushing of teeth); while the next thing that will happen to it is a change of motion, direct to retrograde. Again, seemingly as with the Moon, we see an unfavourable outcome as the Moon goes into its fall sign and Saturn goes retrograde. Venus in Aries, the planet of disease, is in Saturn's fall sign. What could be worse?!
But we must see what the chart shows us based on the context of the question, not on what the traditional texts have impressed on our minds.
Retrograde motion, in and of itself, means nothing bad, and nothing good. We must always understand why a particular planet is retrograde. And most importantly, remember to turn on your mind, leaving dry techniques aside in favor of the former. Keep your mind in your head, in other words. Context, context and context again!
The querent asks us if she will lose her teeth? And we see that the next sign for Saturn, in the course of the Zodiac, is Aries, which is a fall sign for Saturn. After conjunct Mars, Saturn goes retrograde, thus avoiding entering its fall sign. Saturn stays where it is. No deterioration for the querent's teeth will occur, in other words. She will not lose them.
Venus, the planet of disease, will change its position to the sign of Taurus. And no, this does not mean that by acquiring virtues in earth sign Venus will become good, or that a fixed sign will make disease chronic. No. It only means a change of receptions for Venus. It will no longer be in the fall sign of Saturn, and so will cease to harm the teeth of the querent. The disease will go away.
And, of course, the Moon, which is in the sign of Venus and under the exaltation of Saturn, is very concerned about the worsening of health, but by changing the sign, it stops thinking about Venus and worrying about Saturn (teeth), because the Moon in Scorpio will be in the sign of Venus detriment, and it no longer has emotional power over querent. The reception to Saturn will also disappear.
Thus, we see that everything will end well for the querent, despite the fact that a literal examination with the help of standard book techniques would give us a completely different result - the change of sign by the Moon and the retrograde of an important signifier would speak of deterioration. This is why the mind should be kept in the head, not in books, evaluating what we see in the chart in the context of the question, not in the framework of dry techniques.

What was the result? After all, we must not simply base ourselves on a speculative consideration of this or that question. Every consideration must be confirmed, or not, in practice, otherwise our knowledge and skills are worthless.
The above diet and herbs helped the querent to relieve the symptoms quite quickly and to restore the humoral balance. An appointment with a periodontist a few weeks later also confirmed that the querent was fine and had no gum disease. The only reason that her teeth became mobile was the dentist's sloppy oral hygiene, which is what we saw in the chart - a divergent conjunction of Saturn and Mars, which speaks of the cause of the problems with the mobility of the teeth, which, by the way, is very accurately reflected by the mutable, or mobile, sign of Pisces, in which Saturn is located. Symbolism, indeed.
This question chart once again shows us that we can become hostage to ancient texts and techniques if we do not use mind time after time, but only follow the letter of the rules. The astrologer always needs to be open to the question chart, because astrology can reflect a question, as well as the answer, in the most unique way. This is what makes the art of prediction an art. Heavenly art, reflecting life itself.

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