Horary astrology is a truly universal predictive art, for which predicting the weather is as natural as predicting something else.

When Will The Heat Subside?

July 2021 was one of the hottest Julys in Eastern Europe in recent years. The heat of 35 degrees, the search for various ways to overcome the heat and dozens of litres of water drank in the hope of somehow quenching the endless feeling of thirst that consumed everyone and made it feel like being in a desert in an urban environment. Each day was similar to the previous one. As soon as the sunlight entered the room, the curtains, like a curtain at the end of a theatre performance, closed, and a stifling silence ensued, interrupted only by the sound of the fans, which gently spread artificial coolness. Constant, almost obsessive watching of the weather, hoping to see the long-awaited brightening. No, not a brightening. Cold and rain. Although we used to distrust the forecasts of meteorologists, nevertheless, somewhere in the back of our minds there were still smouldering embers of hope in favour of scientific knowledge, which too often disappointed in its endless and ridiculous attempts to predict something of the future. Perhaps this was better achieved by writers such as Jules Verne or the Strugatsky brothers. Meteorologists remind us more of ancient savages, who make the first blind steps on the seemingly vast earth, here and there, discovering new horizons, which turn out to be another mirage of their timid perception of reality. Perhaps time will correct this distorted knowledge, and the day will come when science will be able to do something about the weather. Perhaps it will not only learn to predict it quite accurately, but even to control it. But that's a long way off. Too far. So all we can do is rely on our inner instincts, on old-fashioned omens, and on knowledge that can teach meteorologists a great deal about predicting the future. Yes. Astrology.

Having reached the point of no return, created by the inability of weather forecasters to present an intelligible forecast for at least one current day, not to mention a week, we, tired of the heat, like desert travellers left to perish from the heat in the sandy infinity, decided to find out when this scorching heat would end. And so we decided to resort to an instrument which, with its accuracy, would make the weather forecasters step aside in embarrassment. The same forecasters that FBI agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks said back in 1990: "If you could get paid that kind of money for being wrong sixty percent of the time, it'd beat working...". Not much has changed in 30 years. If we predicted with the same statistics, we would hardly earn the right to call ourselves astrologers, but would be like some sort of astro-psychologists, or at best, weather forecasters.

Jupiter's Grace

So, we decided to find out when the heat will be gone. Of course, this forecast did not cover the whole of Eastern Europe. Just our place of living. It is very important to understand the context of the question asked, in horary astrology, so as not to fall into another misconception and self-deception. After all, this is astrology of specific questions. Therefore, we asked a question that concerns us: when will the heat subside in Riga?

11.07.2021 09:30 (GMT +3), RIGA, LATVIA

As mentioned above, the context plays a key role in horary questions. Context allows us to correctly identify the main actors of the question - the actors on the astrological stage. It is one thing if we are interested in what the weather will be like on vacation - 9th house; or at a party - 5th house. And it is quite another when we want to know what the weather will be like where we live - 1st house. Therefore, a wrongly understood context of the question leads to a wrong choice of the significators, and therefore to a mistake.

The place where we live is represented by Mercury, the ruler of the 1st house. All we have to do to determine when the weather will change is to consider Mercury's place in the chart and the coming changes. Mercury is in the 30th degree of Gemini, which is a warm and moist sign, and is about to enter the Cancer, which has a cold and moist nature. This tells us of certain changes that are about to take place. Mercury will change the warm sign of Gemini for the cold sign of Cancer. This is a symbolic decrease in temperature at the place where we live.

Okay, we have determined that there will be subside in temperature, but when exactly? Mercury is in an angular house and mutable sign, which gives us a choice in favour of average units of time. To determine time, we choose the days-weeks-months scale, as years or hours are not applicable here, in the context of this question. Since Mercury has to pass a degree before changing the sign, and the average time unit are weeks (days are a short unit of time; and months are a long unit of time), we conclude that the heat will subside in 1 week. However, since Mercury is in a mutable sign, this suggests that the time frame may be a little longer, as this is characteristic of mutable signs. Which is what happened in the end. By the 19th of July the temperature had dropped from 34 degrees Celsius to 21 degrees Celsius.

We could have ended the forecast there, but what caught our eye was that Mercury, entering Cancer, almost immediately makes a trine with Jupiter in Pisces, in the second degree. Jupiter is the natural ruler of rain, and is also in the cold and moist sign of Pisces, a water sign. What does this indicate? That there will be a lot of rain. Moreover, Mercury in Cancer takes Jupiter in its exaltation, and this suggests that there will be a lot of rain indeed. When, exactly?

Even though Mercury makes an aspect to Jupiter in the cardinal and water sign of Cancer, we always use the units of measurement that we determined at the time of the original position of the aspecting planet (Mercury in Gemini, in the 10th house, in this case). We have the average units of time, which represent weeks, in this context. This means that the one and a half degrees till an aspect with Jupiter, for Mercury in Cancer, means a week and a half. But since Mercury is in the cardinal sign of Cancer, this makes a slight adjustment - there will not be the delay common to mutable signs, even though being in a cardinal sign does not change the units of time itself, as mentioned above. Thus, in another week and a half after the temperature subside, heavy rains will begin. Which is exactly what happened. The grace of Jupiter, the god of rains.


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